Tag with a 4-bytes floating point value, usually used to
store non-blocks coordinates or points in the world.
The float.nan value can be used and recognized by the
SEL-derived systems, but couldn't be recognized by other
softwares based on different programming languages that
doesn't support the not-a-number value.
More informations about the NaN value and its encoding
can be found on <a href="#https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN">Wikipedia</a>.
Tag with a 4-bytes floating point value, usually used to store non-blocks coordinates or points in the world. The float.nan value can be used and recognized by the SEL-derived systems, but couldn't be recognized by other softwares based on different programming languages that doesn't support the not-a-number value. More informations about the NaN value and its encoding can be found on <a href="#https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN">Wikipedia</a>.