an instance of Compound when the json is an object, and instance of List when the json is an array, an instance of String when the json is a string, an instance of Long when the json is an integer, an instance of Double when the json is a floating point number, an instance of Byte (with values 0 and 1) when the json is a boolean and null when the json is null.
t { assert(toNBT(JSONValue(true)) == new Byte(1)); assert(toNBT(JSONValue([1, 2, 3])) == new ListOf!Long(1, 2, 3)); assert(toNBT(JSONValue(["a": [42]])) == new Compound(new Named!(ListOf!Long)("a", 42))); //assert(toNBT(JSONValue(["a": [42]])) == new Compound(new Named!List("a", new Long(42)))); //FIXME assert(toNBT(JSONValue("test")) == new String("test")); assert(toNBT(JSONValue(42)) == new Long(42)); assert(toNBT(JSONValue(42u)) == new Long(42)); assert(toNBT(JSONValue(.523)) == new Double(.523)); assert(toNBT(JSONValue(true)) == new Byte(1)); assert(toNBT(JSONValue(false)) == new Byte(0)); assert(toNBT(JSONValue(null)) is null)
Converts a JSONValue into a Tag.